Tuesday, August 30, 2005

sanrio Posted by Picasa

Mak Erot VS Dokter

Beberapa waktu lalu g baca di blog seseorang yg bikin lucu adalah dia tertarik banget sama yg namanya mak erot ha ha ha..ups sorry yg bikin g ketawa adalah ternyata yg punya blog adalah seorang dokter,ternyata seorang dokter punya ketertarikan sendiri terhadap sosok mak erot entah apa yg bikin dia tertarik banget sama mak erot mungkin karena dia laki2 n mak erot mempunyai keahlian untuk suatu hal yg hanya lelaki yg punya...u know what i mean kan??? g jadi inget lagunya "serius" dokter juga manusia .... gitu kli,dia bil dia kasian banget ama mak erot karena banyak banget yg ngaku2 jadi dia,pas g baca blog dia g baru sadar kasian banget mak erot yg asli karena banyak yg dompleng namanya dia kenapa ya yg lainnya gak pake nama sendiri aja ya mungkin aja malah lebih laku dibanding mak erot seperti "ni sembung", "ceu garantul" ato apa kek itu ngebuktiin klo mereka itu gak PeDe tuh..dompleng nama orang biar populer padahal mak erot yg aslimah gak tau dimana deh masih hidup apa udah gak ada yg juga gak ngerti.
Tapi yg bikin g mo ngepost in soal mak erot adalah karena g baca dokter juga tertarik ama mak erot klo menurut g itu lucu biasanya para dokter itu berfikir pake logika yg beda banget ama yg mak erot lakuin.
Ini adalah ruang praktek mak erot di kamar hotel bintang lima (ini baru gosipnya loh...)brapa ya penghasilan mak erot 1 hari?? ampe bisa beroprasi di hotel bintang lima blom lagi pegawai2 yg lain yg harus dibayar ...mungkin yg dateng pejabat semua kli yee yg doyan korupsi jadi semakin banyak dia korupsi semakin kecilah barangnya jadi i think he need mak erot ya gak?? he he he ini mah asumsi g sendiri he he he..
Btw thx untuk pak dokter yg sudah memberikan inspirasi untuk saya nulis ini thank's doc,"Doc may i ask something, have u ever meet mak erot?"

Monday, August 29, 2005


Have u ever met weird so many weird people in u'r life? i do...
Have u ever live with weird people in u'r habitat? i do...
Have u ever can not think in front of weird people? i do...
Have u ever getting weird with weird people? i do....

Maybe if u ask me about weird people in my community i can told u a lot, coz i live with them, everyday i always meet them n i know i become weird like them too.
Why so hard find a normal person in my community? they all suck...but am i getting suck like them? well i dont know...stay in here make me become of them "weird community" ha ha ha.. maybe ...

Today start from this morning one of them came to me and like ussually weird person always said about weird thing, he is the weirdest in our community actually he is a leader for the "weird community" of course.

Damn ...why i have to in they community can i choose another community? everyday i feel like be one of them am i have to change my personality just for them how fake i'am.Stay with them make me can not think clear,uh ..they axpert for that thing.

And the second it happend this afternoon,the 2nd one talk to me a weird thing make me can not think she's just play joke or not n what she's said to me is not make sance,how can money become u so dirty???? i really dont get it....oh God plz help me....